Per a començar anem a fer una mica de repàs del PRESENT SIMPLE . Copia aquest text amb l'Open Officce i fes aquest exercici , després anomena aquest arxiu com "splitting class 15-16feb"i guarda'l a la teva carpeta d'anglès .
1. Complete the following blanks with the Present Simple tense.
My Brother
I........................(have got) one brother – his name .............................(be) Ben. He ........................(be) fifteen years old and his birthday ...................................(be) on 4th February. He ...............................(not be) tall but he is thin, and he........................(have not got) brown hair, he is blond.
Ben ..................................(like) sport. His favourite sport is cycling. We sometimes...............................(go) cycling together at the weekend. He ...........................(not like) football, he .........................(prefer) basketball. He .............................(play) in the school team. .............. you ..............................(practise) sport?
Ben and I............................(go) to the same school, but we ..........................(not be) in the same class. His favourite subjects ................................(be) art and P.E. His best friends at school are Jack and Francis.

Ara anem a estudiar una mica de vocabulari de l'unitat 4 .
2- Answer "what's the weather like in ...? Write it on your notebook

What is the weather like in...?
Per acabar anem a repassar una mica EL PRESENT CONTINUOUS . Fes 1 ,
Per a repassar la forma negativa feis el número 3 ,
4-Copy and translate these sentences in your notebook:
a) Ella està bevent aigua.
b) Elles no estan llegint.
c) Nosaltres esteim caminant.
d) Ells està menjant patates.
e) Vosaltres no estau escoltant.
f) El meu ca està corrent.
g) Na Maria està nadant.
h) Na Teresa i na Paula estan cantant.
i) Elles no estan ballant.
j) Jo estic estudiant.
5- Si heu acabat podeu jugar una mica AQUI