Friday, 28 September 2012


Good morning class . This is our first split up session . Are you ready ?

First , let's do some VOCABULARY EXERCISES  . Please click on 1  , 2 . Please remember to write all new vocabulary in your notebook  .

 Ok , now some exercises  about the -ING FORM  especially after certain verbs or as the subject of a sentence .  , 4 , 5 , 6 . Well done !!!

Now let's change the subject just a little bit . Let's do some activities related to VERBAL TENSES . to begin with , PRESENT SIMPLE vs PRESENT CONTINUOUS .  7 , 8 , 9 . Now some exercises working with the SIMPLE PAST .  10   , 11 , 12 ,

 Let's finish our lesson with some OBJECT AND SUBJECT QUESTIONS . 13 , 14 and 15