funny quotes


phrase of the day

Sunday, 13 December 2009


Anem a repassar tots plegats la teoria del Present Simple , clicau aqui .
Ara anem a practicar Present Simple affirmative , per aixó fes aquests dos exercicis 1 ,2 Del segon exercici copiau el vocabulari nou al vostre quadern , per ajudar-vos teniu un enllaç amb un diccionari , clicau aqui .
Anem a continuar amb la negació i les preguntes , 3 i 4 . Enrecordau-vos de les Questions words que hem estudiat fent aquests exercicis 5 i 6 .
Ara anem acabar amb un repàs de vocabulari , feis exercicis 1 i 2 del blog de na Glòria

Sunday, 8 November 2009


Anau al blog de na Glòria . LLegiu les explicacions que hi ha de Simple Present i feis les activitats corresponents al vostres quaderns . Per anar al blog de na Glòria , clickau aqui .

Després podeu fer aquestes altres activitats i jocs . Abans de començar a fer els exercicis, prestau atenció a les explicacions a FORM / USE per a formar , frases afirmatives, negatives i interrogatives . Per accedir a les activitats , clickau aqui .

Sunday, 25 October 2009


Aqui teniu una sèrie d'activitats relacionades amb la festa de Halloween. Per poder fer les activitast clickau aqui : 1, 2 , 3

A més una activitat per fer feina amb una cançó molt adient per aquests dies ; per poder fer les activitats clickuau a 4

Monday, 12 October 2009


To see and do these exercises please click here .


1. Read this text and answer the questions:
Jason's family
Hello! My name is Jason and I have a very nice family. My dad's name is John and he is 43 years old. My father's favourite hobbies are reading the newspaper and playing handball. My mum's name is Sarah and she is 39 years old. My mother likes going to the cinema and swimming. I have one sister, her name is Andrea and she is fifteen years old. Andrea likes meeting her friends and listening to music. I have one brother, his name is Peter and he is nine years old. My brother has a rabbit, its name is "Sugar". And you? What about your familiy?
1. What is the name of this boy?
2. How old is Jason's father?
3. What are Jason's father favourite hobbies?
4. Who is Sarah?
5. What are Sarah's favourite hobbies?
6. Has Jason got sisters or brothers?
7. What does Andrea like?
8. How old is Jason's brother?
9. What pet has Peter got?
10. What is the name of the rabbit?
2. Now, write on your notebook about your family.
Look at Jason's family to help you.Hello! My name is .................. and I have a very nice family. My dad's name is ................ and he is ..............years old. My father's favourite hobbies are .......................... and ...................... My mum's name is ......................and she is ...................years old. My mother likes ........................ and .......................I have got..................... sister, her name is ...........................and she is .....................years old. .................likes ..................... and ...............................I have got............................, his name ....................and he is .....................years old. My ................... has got ........................, its name is "........................".

Friday, 2 October 2009

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Aquesta web és interessant per a repasar conceptes generals de gramàtica i vocabulari

relative clauses

[scribd id=19596431 key=key-7v79q1mcn4kgnfphkbn]

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

comencarem el cUrs repasanT els verbs. AQUÍ TENS UN LINK

London activities

Here you've got some pictures from London . Write an essay about what you see and imagine you are travelling there on a school trip to London . Writing composition 120-150 words

Thursday, 3 September 2009


Estic fent una prova per a comprovar que el que estic aprenent és correcte. Aquest blog està dirigit als alumnes del IES Marratxi.i a tota persona interesada amb l'aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa .