funny quotes


phrase of the day

Monday, 20 December 2010


Good morning class ,

Let's start our last on-line lesson with some exercises dealing with adjectives . Do these activities and write down in your notebook all the adjectives you don't know . Please click 1 , 2 , and now let's continue with some comparative and superlative exercises . Please click on 3 , 4 ,.
And now we are going to work with some zodiac vocabulary to know a little bit more about yourself and your schoolmates . Please click on 5 , 6 . Remember to write down and translate vocabulary you don't understand .
Now you have to ask your colleagues for his/her star sign and write down at least one sentence of each one with the information given in the last exercise . For instance , Libra are optimistic and boastful , and Pepito is Libra so the sentence could be ." Pepito is optimistic and boastful ". Copy the sentences in your notebook .
Remember to show all your vocabulary and sentences to the teacher at the end of the session . Good luck !

Monday, 15 November 2010


Good morning class . Today we are going to continue studying the Present
continuous tense .

Click on this link to know a little bit more about this tense . Copy in your notebook the information from Present Continuous Use and then do all the exercises . Click 1 .

Sunday, 30 May 2010


Good morning class,

The end of the course is coming but don't get panic ... we have some exercises and explanations that may help you to pass your last test .

Let's start working with THE PAST SIMPLE forms .

Today we are going to:

-Review REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs .

- Learn and practise the PAST SIMPLE NEGATIVE .

1- Remember the spelling rules when we use -ED ( Regular Verb)

short verb - CVC ---- CVCC Stop - stopped

consonant + Y --- ied Try - tried

vowel + Y ---ed Play -played

Verb with final e- arrive- arrived

1-Click HERE and HERE to practise . Now continue practising with these exercises.Click HERE and HERE .

OK, let's work now with IRREGULAR VERBS.

2-Remember that irregular verbs have a different form to create the past . Here you have a list of irregular verbs . If you don't find a verb in this list , it is not an irregular verb . Do these activities . Click HERE and HERE .
3-Now, a little bit more difficult . Use Regular or Irregular verbs in these exercises. Click HERE .
OK, let's study now the negative form .

To say no, to make the negative we use the word DIDN'T and then the verb in its base form ( without -ED or in the first column) .

4. Make the negative of these sentences in your NOTEBOOK.

4. Change these regular verbs into the negative form:

a) I visited my grandparents

b) She played football .

c) They washed the car.

d) We watched the TV.

e) You studied a lot.

5. Change these irregular verbs into the negative form:

a) I drank milk with Cola-Cao.

b) She drove very fast.

c) They went to the party.

d) My cousin bought a new bike.

e) The class began at 8:00.

Monday, 17 May 2010


Bon dia . Avui estudiaren el passat del verb to be . D'aquest primer enllaç que té explicacions del verb to BE en present i en passat , heu de copiar al quadern els exercicis Let's practice i Homework , clicau AQUI . Després podeu fer aquest segon enllaç amb l'ordinador AQUI,i aquest altre AQUI . En acabar , podeu fer els exercicis de l'ordinador dels temes 5 i 6 .

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Here you have some exercises to revise vocabulary and grammar from unit 1-4 . Please click here.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

translation exercise

1- Translate this text and then show it to the teacher to check your mistakes

El meu nom és Laura i tenc 13 anys. Jo visc a Consell i tenc una germana i un germà. M'agrada nadar i la pizza . Jo vaig a natació els dilluns i dimecres. Jo estudio al IES Marratxi. La meva assignatura preferida és Ciències Naturals.
La meva cosina Margalida té 14 anys. Ella viu a Binissalem . A na Margalida no li agrada la natació, ella juga a volei. Ella estudia al IES Binissalem . La seva assignatura preferida és Educació Física.
Ara, estic escoltant música a la meva habitació. La meva germana està fent els deures al menjador i el meu germà no està estudiant, ell està jugant a bàsquet.
A la meva habitació hi ha dos llits i una finestra . Però a la meva habitació no hi ha dos escriptoris i no hi ha un dormitori. Jo dorm amb la meva germana . Nosaltres esteim estudiant al menjador perqué ès mes gran .

Monday, 15 February 2010


Bon Dia , avui farem el darrer repàs a l'aula d'informàtica abans del vostre test de dijous. Per tant , repassarem una mica el darrers temes d'una forma global .
Per a començar anem a fer una mica de repàs del PRESENT SIMPLE . Copia aquest text amb l'Open Officce i fes aquest exercici , després anomena aquest arxiu com "splitting class 15-16feb"i guarda'l a la teva carpeta d'anglès .

1. Complete the following blanks with the Present Simple tense.

My Brother

I........................(have got) one brother – his name .............................(be) Ben. He ........................(be) fifteen years old and his birthday ...................................(be) on 4th February. He ...............................(not be) tall but he is thin, and he........................(have not got) brown hair, he is blond.

Ben ..................................(like) sport. His favourite sport is cycling. We sometimes...............................(go) cycling together at the weekend. He ...........................(not like) football, he .........................(prefer) basketball. He .............................(play) in the school team. .............. you ..............................(practise) sport?

Ben and I............................(go) to the same school, but we ..........................(not be) in the same class. His favourite subjects ................................(be) art and P.E. His best friends at school are Jack and Francis.

Ben often .................................(meet) his friends after school. They ..............................(not meet) on Saturdays or Sundays. They sometimes .........................(go) to the cinema on Fridays, but they usually play computer games or listen to music at home. Ben’s friends like rock music but Ben ............................(not like) it, he ........................(enjoy) with hip-hop music.

Ara anem a estudiar una mica de vocabulari de l'unitat 4 .
2- Answer "what's the weather like in ...? Write it on your notebook

What is the weather like in...?

Per acabar anem a repassar una mica EL PRESENT CONTINUOUS . Fes 1 ,
Per a repassar la forma negativa feis el número 3 ,

4-Copy and translate these sentences in your notebook:

a) Ella està bevent aigua.
b) Elles no estan llegint.
c) Nosaltres esteim caminant.
d) Ells està menjant patates.
e) Vosaltres no estau escoltant.
f) El meu ca està corrent.
g) Na Maria està nadant.
h) Na Teresa i na Paula estan cantant.
i) Elles no estan ballant.
j) Jo estic estudiant.

5- Si heu acabat podeu jugar una mica AQUI

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Avui practicarem un nou temps verbal que ja hem estudiat a classe, es tracta del PRESENT CONTINUOUS, farem dues activitats , per a la primera farem feina amb el blog de na Xesca, i després els que hagin acabat , faran PRESENT CONTINUOUS STEP 2 , que està a continuació . Per accedir al blog de na Xesca , pitjau aqui


Ara podem continuar amb unes altres activitats , segueix les següents instruccions:
Ves a "Inicia" (ho trobaràs abaix a l'esquerra de la pantall)
Ves a "Mi PC" (o "El meu ordinador")
Ves a "Materials de formació"
Ves a "Anglès"
Ves a "Spotlight 1"
Et sortirà un escrit.
Pitja a "I accept"Posa el teu nom.
I al entrar has de fer activitats del tema 4.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Splitting class-ESO 1 d/e - 25/26 January

Revision test unit 3 - ESO 1

Here you've got the test you did last week . All students with less than a 7 must repeat the whole test , the rest can just check their mistakes and try to correct them . 1- Please paste this exam in an open office document . 2- Do the exercises . 4- Let me know when you finish to check your answers 3- give a tittle to your file " unit3 test and your name. example unit3test-xisco . 4- save the document .
Good luck .

Llinatges:______________________________ Nom:____________________

A Vocabulary

1 Write sports with play, go and do .
play football
1 b____________________
2 v____________________
3 t____________________
go weight-training
4 s____________________
5 s____________________
6 c____________________
do taekwondo
7 k____________________
8 g____________________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 I have five toes on my _ _ _ _.
2 We have ten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on our hands.
3 I like my brother George, but not my _ _ _ _ _ _ Paula.
4 Tony and Sara are my uncle and _ _ _ _.
5 I have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 8 a.m. before I go to school.
6 They _ _ _ _ _ TV a lot, especially The Simpsons.
7 We often go _ _ _ _ _ _ in January in the mountains.
8 Beckham is a very good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ player.
9 Christmas Day is on 25th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ is the month after July and before September.

3 Complete the text with in, on or at.
Katrina Hoek lives in Switzerland and she loves sport. She usually goes swimming
(1) _______ the morning before breakfast, but (2) _______ Wednesdays she goes weight-training.
Sometimes she goes running (3) _______ five o’clock (4) _______ the afternoon.
(5) _______ the weekend she plays football (6) _______ Saturdays, but she doesn’t do any sport on
This routine is different (7) _______ January and February because she goes skiing every weekend.
What a great life!

B Grammar

4 Write the words in the correct order and make the verbs negative. Example
on TV / football / watch / They
They don’t watch football on TV
1 live / I / Paris / in _____________________________________________________
2 My / pop music / likes / sister ___________________________________________
3 weekend / goes / the / Kevin / at / cycling __________________________________
4 watch / Pete / Mark / DVDs / and _________________________________________
5 The / drinks / milk / cat ________________________________________________

5 Complete the present simple questions. Then write short answers.

1 _____________________ (you / get up) at eight o’clock?
2 _____________________ (Paula / live) in Spain?
3 _____________________ (they / go) to school on Saturday?
4 _____________________ (the dog / like) you?
No, _____________________
5 _____________________ (we / have) lunch now?
_No, ____________________

6 Complete the text. Use the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
not study study come like not go
not live teach not like go love

My cousin Lee (1) __________ in Spain, he lives in China. Lee (2) __________ to Spain to see us
every summer. My family and I (3) __________ to China because my mother doesn’t like
When Lee’s here, he (4) __________ to a Spanish school and he (5) __________ two languages –
Chinese and Spanish, but he (6) __________ English.
Lee sometimes (7) __________ me Chinese, but it’s very difficult for me and I (8) __________ it!
My favourite language is English – I (9) __________ it!
(10)__________ you English?

7 Write questions about the underlined words. Use a question word from the box.
Who Where Why When What How

1 ______________________________________________
Helen lives in Mallorca.
2 ______________________________________________
I watch TV because I like it.
3 ______________________________________________
Lisa goes to school by bus.
4 ______________________________________________
I like Greg.
5 ______________________________________________
They visit their cousins on Saturdays.
6 ______________________________________________
Jenny listens to music in the evening.

C Reading

8 Read the interview. Circle the correct information.
A sports interview
Ana Good evening, Pascal, and welcome to Bilbao. Now, you play a lot of sport, but what is
special about you?
Pascal I play for my country in three different sports, and I’m captain in one.
Ana Really? What sports do you do?
Pascal Basketball, football and athletics, but basketball is my favourite – I love it!
Ana Wow! How is it possible to be so good at these sports?
Pascal Well, because I run fast. Running is very important in all these sports.
Ana I see, but are you really good enough to be in three national teams?
Pascal Well, you see, my country is very small. I’m from Andorra.

1 Pascal asks / doesn't ask a lot of questions.
2 Pascal does / doesn’t do a lot of sport.
3 He plays volleyball / basketball.
4 Pascal loves /doesn’t love basketball.
5 Pascal is / isn't from a big country.

9 Read the interview again. Answer the questions. Answer with complete sentences .
1 What time of day is it?
2 What sports does Pascal play?
3 How many sports is he captain in?
4 Why is Pascal good at these sports?
5 Where is he from?

D- Writing
10 Write three paragraphs about the sports you like / don’t like (60–80 words). Include
this information . (14 points)
1st paragraph- your favourite sport .When and where you practise it.
2nd paragraph – other sports you like and why you like them .
3rd paragraph – sports you don't like and explain about other hobbies you like .

Monday, 18 January 2010


Here you've got a link to check some exercises from your last test . Please follow the instructions carefully . To do the exercises please click here