funny quotes


phrase of the day

Monday, 19 December 2022


 Good morning class, 

Let's do some activities to remember some specific vocabulary dealing with Christmas . 

Click on  , 2 , 3 , 4  , 5

And now some games . Click on game 1   , game 2  , game 3  game 4 , game 5 

Last but not least , wathc this video and do the activities .

Sunday, 18 December 2022

ESO 4 - LETTERS OF COMPLAINT - weak and strong adjectives with intensifiers

 Good morning class , 

let's work with some activities dealing with writing formal letters of complaint . Click on  1 .

When you deal with a really formal letter , you must use a variety of formal vocabulary and adjectives with their correspondent intensifiers . 

Gradable and extreme adjectives exercise .

Check these links to learn more about weak adjectives and strong adjectives .  2 and 3 . 

And now do these activites dealing with gradable/extreme adjectives and their intensifiers . 4 , 5 and 6


Thursday, 1 December 2022


 Good morning class , 

Today a new grammar point is going to be taught . Some explanations will be provided to you and then you will be requested to do some activities . These activities must be done online . Can you guess which grammar point  we are going to deal with ?? Yes ,... you are such a clever, brilliant person ...THE PASSIVE VOICE . 

First ,to remind you everything about PASSIVE ,  number 1 must be clicked    . Click on 1 . In case it is still not understood by you .. click on 2 . 

 To have the causative taught , Please click on HAVE SOMETHING DONE 

There are different types of passive sentences . Let's do some activities with some of them 

standard passive  - 3 , 4 and 5 

double object passive - 6 , 7  and 8 

Impersonal passive  9  and 10  

Causative ( have-something - done ) 11 and 12