funny quotes


phrase of the day

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Good morning class ,
Let's start our new school year working with computers working with some vocabulary related to school .
Please click on these links . Remember that all these new words can be useful for your next writing composition . , 2, 3, 4 . and now a bank of vocabulary you may need when writing your composition 5 .

Wel done , now let's change the subject  a bit and let's turn to grammar .

Modal verbs. First , obligation-prohibition- no obligation  . Click on 6, , 8 .

Now , some other modal verbs such as can-could-be able to -9 , 10 .

Well done , now some exercises dealing with PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES . 11, 12 , And now some adjective order exercises . 13 , 14

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