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phrase of the day

Thursday, 12 March 2020


Good morning class ,
How are you coping with the quarantine ? Do not lose faith we will get over it and I guess you are starting to miss school .. Can you believe it ? Well, let's get down to business .
 I would like to provide you with some links which may come in handy for the unit but especially for your Health issue project . Check them out .

Click on..
Common illnesses   1 , 2

Glossary of useful vocabulary  and confusing terms 4 ,  5  , 6

And now some samples of brochures or pamphlets

Well done  ,  why don't you watch this video dealing with the most common pain ,aches  we are likely to suffer  sooner or later ?  

Last but not least , a reading and a glossary about coronavirus the virus which is keeping us under a severe confinement .

Click on 7

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